Want to Serve Students at County Line?

We believe that solid ministry is built on relationships between adult leaders and students. Students do not connect to programs; they connect to people. The most effective way to influence students is through significant relationships with key people in their lives. Our goal is to develop leaders who minister to students. Students need adults who will…
  • Love God and live for Him
  • Be interested in their lives
  • Take the initiative to spend time with them
  • Pray for them
  • Be real
  • Say encouraging words
  • Believe in them
  • Share God’s love through personal experience
  • Be consistent at student ministry events and meetings
  • Set a positive example in words and actions
The quality of our staff is very important. We are looking for men and women who have a commitment to Christ and a desire to care for students. Your first step in getting involved in our student ministry, please fill out the form via the button below. Because we place great value on this ministry, we place great value on our staff. Once we have received your email, we will contact you to schedule a follow up meeting. At this meeting, we will discuss the purpose and values of our student ministry, as well as the different areas that you may be able to get involved.

Interested in serving in Student Ministry? Fill out the form below!