Do You See What I See? A God Who Cares

Dec 1, 2024    Stuart Kruse

"Do You See What I See?" is a five-week Advent series that invites you to explore the transformative attributes of God through the story of the shepherds. This Christmas, just as the shepherds were invited to witness the birth of Jesus, you are invited to experience God’s love and allow Him to change your story.

This week, Pastor Stu speaks about discovering how God’s compassion meets us in our struggles. Why did God choose to deliver this world-changing message to a group of shepherds? There are many theories, but “Shepherd” is a word God often chose to describe Himself throughout Scripture. A shepherd cares for their sheep because they are his own. A Shepherd knows their sheep by name. A shepherd leaves the 99 to find the one. A shepherd cares for the needs of their sheep. God is the Good Shepherd as manifested in Jesus Christ. And because He is the Good Shepherd, we can rest easy knowing He cares for us.

This Christmas, will you come and adore Jesus and live a life of worship? The shepherds recognized the significance of that first Christmas; will you? Jesus has come—just for you. Join us on this journey of discovery!