Two prices are listed for attenders and non-attenders. Attenders are those who call County Line Church of God their home church. This is demonstrated through active attendance, serving, and connection to the County Line Family.
The rates for the auditorium include the following tech coverage: The fee includes up to 8 hours of tech time required to prepare for the event, set the stage, one tech person during your event, and resetting the stage following your event. Any time over the 8 hours are charged at an additional $25 per hour. County Line also requires a building supervisor be present during all rental events. The fees include payment for the supervisor as well as custodial costs incurred from the event.
The rates for the auditorium include the following tech coverage: The fee includes up to 8 hours of tech time required to prepare for the event, set the stage, one tech person during your event, and resetting the stage following your event. Any time over the 8 hours are charged at an additional $25 per hour. County Line also requires a building supervisor be present during all rental events. The fees include payment for the supervisor as well as custodial costs incurred from the event.

This will be returned after the wedding, if all policies and agreements were upheld.
Attender & Non-Attender - $50
Attender & Non-Attender - $50

This seats approximately 1300.
Attender - $650
Non-Attender - $1,000
Attender - $650
Non-Attender - $1,000

Gathering Space/Kitchen
Holds approximately 250. Tables, Chairs, & Table Cloths Included.
Attender - $300
Non-Attender - $600
Attender - $300
Non-Attender - $600