6 Practical Ways
to Invite someone to church

Most studies indicate that 80% of non-church-goers would likely visit a local church if someone simply invited them. Taking action to invite those around us can have a life-changing impact. Who will you invite to worship with us?

Please feel free to use the examples below to help you invite your "one" to Invite Wknd at County Line! 

1. Use an invite card

Invite cards that contain worship times and locations can be found at the welcome center.

2. Text Message

Hey _________ , I would love for you to join me at church this Sunday! Will you be in town this weekend?

If you receive a positive response:
Great! We have worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM. Which one is better for you? I'm looking forward to it!

If you receive a negative response: That’s OK! I understand. Maybe we can work it out on another Sunday sometime soon. We also worship on Thursdays in the early evening. If that’s a better option for you, let me know and I’ll fill you in on the details. Have a great day!

3. Email

I hope you are having a great day!

As you know, I’m a part of County Line Church and excited about all the great work God is doing here!

We have worship services on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 11:00 AM. Would you be interested in coming to worship with us soon?

Let me know when you are available so we can make plans. 

4. Handwritten Note

Hey ___________

I would love for you to join me at church here at County Line sometime soon! We have our worship services on Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 AM.

I’d love to talk more about this, so I’ll call or text you in a few days.

Have a great day! 

5. Phone Call | Face-to-Face Invite

Use the following steps to help you through an in-person invitation. 
1. Connect relationally (health, family, occupation, etc.)
2. Give a reason for your call
3. Talk about all the ways God is working at County Line                      
a. Ministries for all ages
b. Service, mission efforts
c. Intentional about spiritual growth and joining groups
4. Discuss worship service times for Thursday and Sunday
5. Invite them to come and be your guest
6. Arrange details of their visit

6. Facebook | Instagram

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