Here at County Line we believe in the importance of fasting. That is why on the first Monday of every month we Fast and Pray over selected topics.
God wants us to learn dependence upon Him. He has also chosen to act through the prayers of His people. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that heightens our feeling of dependence upon God. When we feel the temptation to indulge from whatever it is we are fasting from, it reminds us to go to prayer rather than satisfying our own desires. Fasting is a wonderful way to experience true dependence upon God and His wisdom and strength. 

Here at County Line we believe in the importance of fasting. That is why on the first Monday of every month we Fast and Pray over selected topics. God has done some amazing things through Fast & Pray Monday and He continues to teach us the importance of fasting.


  1. Pray God uses our March sermon series to encourage, challenge and equip families as they strive for a Christ-centered home.
  2. Pray many will bring their kids and grandkids to our VBX tour and invite friends to attend with them. Pray it will impact those who are serving and those attending.
  3. Pray God would stir County Liners to answer the call from Jesus to “GO” around the world to share His love and joy as they consider the various Impact trips we are offering.