30 Ways to Spend
More Family Time

1. Have Dinner
Prioritize having dinner together to connect and share daily experiences.

2. Fix Things Together
Fix things together to bond over projects and teach valuable skills.

3. After Dinner Walks
Take after-dinner walks to talk and observe your surroundings.

4. Leave a Message
Leave surprise messages to show you care when apart.

5. Read Together
Read together to share stories and ideas.

6. Bring Your Child to School or Class
Drop your child off at school or activities to maximize time together.

7. Plan a Monthly Excursion
Plan a monthly outing to explore new places as a family.

8. Share Family Stories
Share family stories and look through old photos together.

9. Conversations with Your Teen
Use travel time to have meaningful conversations with your teen.

10. Do Good
Volunteer together to bond while making a difference.

11. Step into Your Teen’s World
Engage in your teen’s hobbies to show interest in their passions.

12. Chat with Your Teen
Stay connected with your teen through casual chat messages.

13. Get to Know Your Teen’s Friends
Get to know your teen’s friends by welcoming them into your home.

14. Spend Time Each Day with Your Teen
Spend at least five minutes daily with your teen to maintain connection.

15. Say Hello
Call or text your parents regularly to check in.

16. Ask Your Kids to Give Grandpa and Grandma a Call
Encourage your kids to call their grandparents for a special connection.

17. Eat Together Once a Week
Have a weekly meal with your parents to maintain close ties.

18. Cook Your Family's Favorite Recipe Together
Cook a family favorite recipe together to share traditions.

19. Spend Dedicated Time Together
Set aside dedicated time for simple activities with family.

20. Learn Something New
Learn something new together to strengthen your bond.

21. Celebrate Family Traditions
Celebrate family traditions to create lasting memories.

22. Keep in Touch with Messages
Send thoughtful messages to remind your spouse they are special.

23. Turn the Mobile Phone Off
Turn off phones during meals to give each other full attention.

24. Take Up a New Hobby
Pick up a shared hobby to interact in new ways.

25. Set Aside Time
Set aside exclusive time each week for your relationship.

26. Have Breakfast Together
Have breakfast together to start the day with connection.

27. Exercise Together
Exercise as a couple to improve health and spend quality time together.

28. Create a Group Chat
Create a family group chat to stay updated easily.

29. Share a Meal Together
Plan regular meals with extended family to maintain closeness.

30. Celebrate, Recognize and Appreciate Each Other
Celebrate milestones and support each other through life’s events.